On the other hand, they can be sold for more money. The price for most consumable items increased (so that they can be abused less, at least in the beginning).Added Secret Shops in Island of Oblivion and Mana Holyland.That ought to make money more meaningful, especially by the end of the game. See the attached document for more detail. All seeds (including Magic Seed and Weapon/Armor Seed) can be bought in stores (most require a Class Change), although you can’t access some stores until certain plot points.If any of you notice something, then please PM hmsong, so he can fix it. Hopefully, none of the new shop items will end up screwing up any events (will Dreamsee Herb screw up the events in the beginning of the game for certain characters?). So, this patch changes numerous items available in the shops. And the items in the Byzel Black Market were way too overpowered. The Item Shop in the game felt lacking, especially in the beginning (that’s where you need it the most).
Seiken Densetsu 3 / Trials of Mana – Item & Shop Changes