Lego pirates of the caribbean nintendo switch download
Lego pirates of the caribbean nintendo switch download

lego pirates of the caribbean nintendo switch download

Head outside through the window where the statue was, then watch a cutscene. Push on the handle to open a hole in the floor, where you'll find a Minikit. Switch to a character who can blow things up and destroy the shiny objects here, then carry the handle to a green pad on the right side of the hallway. In Free Play mode, switch to Jack at the bottom of the stairs and use his compass to find a green handle. Light cannon and aim straight for the statue in front of the window. Build a cannon, then run forward to grab a torch. Head to the end of the hallway and break objects on both sides until pieces start to vibrate, indicating that they can be assembled. Head to the left and down the stairs, then fight some more enemies.

lego pirates of the caribbean nintendo switch download

Jump to a rope and swing to one more platform, then head through the door and turn right. Jump onto the chandelier, then jump from there onto a red bar to the right. Stand on top of the knight and as the chandelier dangles toward you, jump onto the green bar on the side of it. Jump down after the knight and push what's left of it to the very end of the table, toward the chandelier. Now jump up to a rope to cause a chandelier to dangle. On the platform, push a knight along a blue and white track until he falls onto the table below. Use your ability to break the window and get a Minikit. Finally, switch to Syrena and head to the platform where Jack landed after using the zipline. Jump from the glowing flowers to get a Minikit. Now head to the far right of the room and switch to a character with a super jump. Once they're all gone, you'll get a Minikit. In Free Play mode, switch to a character who can blow things up and destroy six shiny suits of armor around the room (one in the top right will need to be assembled). Use the action button to ride the zipline to a platform one level up. Shoot one of the targets, then use the pieces that fall to build a zipline. Take out one of the enemies standing near the window, then pick up a gun. Pick up the sword (this will make fighting much easier), then head to the left. Select the golden sword at the top, then follow the dots to find it. After the cutscene, fight off some enemies and use your compass. This is one of the longest levels in the game, so grab your favorite snack and get ready for some swashbuckling. Play On Stranger Tides: London Town Characters

Lego pirates of the caribbean nintendo switch download